Canadian Wildlife Federation – Homecoming

In British Columbia, there is a strong and steady stream of support for removing barriers to fish passage. Many of these barriers, including a number of culverts, floodgates, levees and dykes, were installed prior to provincial legislation introduced to regulate their construction and management. As a result, these barriers are now unclaimed and considered orphans.

In order to clear the way for fish needing to move freely, the B.C. Fish Passage Restoration Initiative is working to restore access to critical spawning and rearing habitat. The species we are helping with this project include: Chinook, Coho and Sockeye salmon; Bull Trout; Steelhead; and Westslope Cutthroat Trout.


Client: Canadian Wildlife Federation
Agency: Cossette

Director: Bruno Caetano 
Art direction and illustration:
Hugo Sequeira 
Agnieszka Czachór and João Gonzalez
João Gonzalez

Project Manager: Rae Leveridge
General Manager: Robyn Smith, VP
Creative Director: Scott Schneider
Associate Creative Director: Grace Cho
Senior Writer: Jono Saye
Account Director: Marjo Durand

Sound Design: Wave Productions 
Dave Gaudet
Betty Rebellato (National Fish Passage Improvement Coordinator – CWF)

Production: Col.A – Colectivo de Animação
Producer: Bruno Caetano